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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


To me family is: love, companionship, sharing, caring, and knowing how to listen to each others problems. I consider my family to be my blood relatives, but also people who are there for me when I need them showing me they care. I always say it's better off to give than to receive" because god sees that and he surprises you with lots of good things. When you go hug someone that you think needs a
hug or when you just console them by telling them it's going to be OK. Those are the things that really matter.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Mom

One of the things my mom did well in raising me was that she never left us without a house or food . She would do the impossible to put a roof over our heads and food in our tummy. Would I do something different? Well she would hit us with anything she could find when we didn't behave. I don't really mind the hitting because if I was being bad I guess I deserved it, but all that hitting me made me a stronger person. When I have children of my own I don't say I won't hit them, but I would try just to talk to them and tell them what they're doing is wrong.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weather Disaster !!!

I don't like all this crazy weather happening, but I guess it's mother nature. All the tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis going on are terrifying. People are scared for any of these to happen in their states or cities. I hope that it all ends soon and we have no more bad news related to these natural disasters.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Perfect Day!!!!!!

To me a perfect day would have to be with my husband: a day at the beach, romantic, picnic and a fireplace. We would be under the stars looking up, telling each other how we felt when we first met and how we love each other now that we're married. That would be my perfect day.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blogg 5/19/11

I think the difference between my generation and my mother's is a huge one. I don't know much about my grandparents because I don't spend time with them . My mother's generation is different in many ways she didn't have a cellular phone or use Internet like we do nowadays. Also nowadays we have help from the government with food stamps, and my mom had to dig out of a trash can eating peoples leftovers because of her lack of money. So it's pretty different in other ways but I'm not going to get into details, it makes me cry.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Survey 5/18/11

I received a ninety on my survey. It was really wierd. I really want to know what this is for.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogg 5/17/11

If I could change something in my life it would be that my dad didn't leave with another woman; he left when I was seven years old. I wish I still had him here with me but I guess not everything in life is perfect. My brothers and I went through alot and he wasn't there.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I don't think advertisements affects me in any way. If I see something that I need in the T.V I'll definitely go buy it. I like that they make it look nice and perfect, even though when you go get it it doesn't look the same.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

T.V's and SHOWS

I watch T.V approximately thirty to forty hours a week. I love to see reality and funny shows. I don't like too see Mexican shows with people that have just started acting, because they are not good at it.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I read a book called " I Never Asked You To Understand Me" by Barthe DeClements. It's a pretty good book, maybe teenagers can enjoy it. What I liked about this book was the drama, it was sad too. Some people can identify with the main character, it's all real life scenarios.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

News News News

I do keep up with current events because it's important to know whats happening in the world. I heard about the death of Osama Bin Laden Sunday night. I was watching my favorite show and it got interrupted. My family seemed very interested but i don't think they would be that happy of people dieing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

back of the book review

The Witch Of Blackbird Pond

Elizabeth George Speare

Katherine Tyler (Kit) is a 16 year old girl that moved to Connecticut from Barbados. She went to live with her aunt and uncle because her mom and dad died in a boat accident, and she was raised by her grandfather. Kit did not tell anyone of her decision of leaving to Connecticut. She knew that it was not going to be the same as her island. Kit makes a couple of friends Hannah, Prudence and Nat--but she is forbidden to see Hannah and to teach Prudence how to write. People thought Hannah was a witch because she was a Quaker and an old woman. William confessed to her that he likes her and wants to marry her, Kit told him that they should wait. Judith and Mercy are Kit's cousins. Judith likes John, John likes Mercy, Mercy likes John. But Mercy and John don't know that they like each other. How will this all end? Will everyone marry the one they love?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Main Idea

I think the main idea of the book so far is that you can't judge someone just for the way they look or where they came from. People may judge by the appearance but there is more to it than the way they look or dress. In the story people are accusing Kit of being a witch, when they don't even know her.